Wednesday, May 13, 2009

In the valley

Saturday I went to the Lewiston woods again, this time to the low lands to see how things are growing and blooming. Here's the elegant trillium. Some marsh marigolds (with a close-up) and skunk cabbage (the large green leaves in the back) Farther down the creek I found fields of cabbage! And Jack-in-the -pulpit.
This waxy little flower is a wild buttercup.
I didn't know what this was but Mom tells me it's flea bane.
I know..... but see how beautiful they are?

Anemones cover the forest floor in early spring. The flowers are small and a little hard to see here but pretty much all the green is their foliage.It's a little easier to see what they really look like in a close-up. See this pretty purple flower among the violet leaves? More like "climbing" but that's how creeping charlie grows there.

And that's a little glimpse of my beautiful day in the valley.

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