What a grand adventure! 6 women and 2 guides. 5 days, 4 nights in the
wilderness. Day one and six in a cabin at headquarters. The plan was to
spend 2 nights at the first site, then paddle on to another but damp
conditions kept us there 3 nights. Day 2 at camp dawned clear, sunny and
still. We took a day trip to a potential portage and hiked it to see
what it would be like if we went that way to our next campsite. As it
turned out, we went the water route which was a
experience. The 2nd night we had a "garden variety" thunderstorm with
some lightening and thunder (1 strike was very close!) but no terrible wind
or driving rain. Just rain and lots of it - it rained from around
midnight til 7AM. That day we were supposed to dry everything out and
pack off to another site but it stayed cloudy and misty and rained again
in the afternoon so we spent the afternoon of Day 3 napping and playing
cards or reading. Day 4 was dry in the morning for packing and eating
breakfast. Then early in our journey to another campsite, a little
thunder rumbled and a gentle rain began. We all agreed that it was a
warm gentle rain with calm water and that we'd rather paddle the long
leg leaving a short hop back to headquarters. And a long leg it was! 6
1/2 hours on the water before we found an open camp site. The rain
stopped after an hour or 2 though so it was reasonably pleasant. 45
minutes after we got to the site with tents set up, belongings under
cover and a quick hot lunch in our bellies, it started to rain again! By
a late suppertime, it had stopped so we could cook and things began to
dry overnight. Our site had the classic BWCA garage sale look - clothing
and gear hung from or draped over every branch, bush and rock. Bright
sun and a gentle breeze were perfect for finishing the drying in the
morning and getting on our way back to civilization.
Cher, Jennifer, Cathy, Pastor Caroline, Lisa and Rae
Kirk, far left, and Joe, near right.
Following our guides on the Gunflint Trail.
A lesson in canoe transportation.
In our chalet. Plotting our route. John, the main organizer, on the right.
A paddling lesson.
Rae, my canoe partner.
Our 4 canoes. Note the standing burned trees.
Kirk hanging the water filtration bag, blue tarp for sun/rain protection, inverted canoe is our kitchen counter.
The spa. For relaxation, cooling off and bathing.
At the end of the Yellow Brick Road.............
Our only campfire. No dry wood after this. Rae is preparing a "Girl Scout S'more" - Marshmallow and a caramel toasted over the fire, squished between 2 graham crackers with a chocolate square. Divine!!
Washing dishes.
No photos of the 2nd campsite. I guess I went a little crazy with my borrowed camera and it ran out of steam. Thanks to Tricia for all the great memories I captured!
What an adventure!
It looks like you had fun...beautiful lake pictures. But the one of the potty? WAY too primitive for me!
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